Tucker Murphy

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games • Other
Full nameTucker•Murphy
Used nameTucker•Murphy
Born21 October 1981 in Dallas, Texas (USA)
Measurements193 cm / 81 kg
NOC Bermuda


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
2010 Winter Olympics Cross Country Skiing (Skiing) BER Tucker Murphy
15 kilometres, Men (Olympic) 88
2014 Winter Olympics Cross Country Skiing (Skiing) BER Tucker Murphy
15 kilometres, Men (Olympic) 84
2018 Winter Olympics Cross Country Skiing (Skiing) BER Tucker Murphy
15 kilometres, Men (Olympic) 100

Other participations

Games Role NOC As
2010 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Opening Ceremony BER Tucker Murphy
2010 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Closing Ceremony BER Tucker Murphy
2014 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Opening Ceremony BER Tucker Murphy
2018 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Closing Ceremony BER Tucker Murphy
2018 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Opening Ceremony BER Tucker Murphy

Special Notes