Hans von Rosen was the son of a royal chamberlain, who became a volunteer at the Life Guards on Horseback. In 1910, he graduated as an officer and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the regiment in 1914. In the years 1917-19 he studied at the Stockholm School of Economics and earned a degree in economics. As an officer he joined the military reserves and become a captain. As a civilian von Rosen managed his properties Lindo and Runtuna in Södermanland, and as game care consultant and equerry at the Royal Court. He also wrote novels. In 1933 he married his second wife, long-distance rider and author Countess Linde Klinckowström. Von Rosen won the gold medal with Sweden’s show jumping team in 1912 in Stockholm, and repeated this success eight years later in Antwerpen. In addition he won the bronze medal in the individual dressage event.