In the post-war years, Joop Harmans was active as an amateur in Dutch races, both on the track and on the road. In 1946, he won the Dutch 50 km track title, and in 1948 he competed as part of the Olympic team pursuit, together with Henk Faanhof, Gerrit Voorting and Theo Blankenaauw. They were elminated in the first round by eventual fourth placed finishers Uruguay. Faanhof never became a professional cyclist. He worked in the bicycle parking of Dakra, a cable factory in Amsterdam. There, he frequently repaired bicycles, and he later decided to open his own bicycle store and repair shop. Harmans died at the age of 93, a few days after his former team mates Faanhof and Voorting. The shop that bears his name still exists, and is now run by his children.