Along with Timothée Jordan, Arthur MacEvoy served on the committee under French captain and chairman of the French Sports Federation, Philip Tomalin, that organized the 1900 Olympic cricket tournament. His involvement in the match was limited, with him taking three wickets and scoring just one run in two visits to the crease. His performance, however, was considerably better than many of his teammates! MacEvoy later played cricket with the Albion Club and was also a fine footballer, and regarded as one of the best goalkeepers in France at the turn of the 20th century, playing with Racing Club in Paris.
Although McEvoy was a British national in 1900, he entered the Olympic cricket match while playing for the French side, Union des Sociétés Français de Sports Athletiques, although in Britain he was a member of the combined team made up of players from the Union Club and the Standard Athletic Club that joined with the French side for the Olympic match.