Salvatore Magherini

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games (non-medal events)
Full nameSalvatore•Magherini
Used nameSalvatore•Magherini
Born19 August 1908 in Firenze, Firenze (ITA)
NOC Italy


Salvatore Magherini appears in just one source as the designer of a postcard for the 1935 Fascist University Championships. According to other sources, he also designed the medals for the 1941 World Ski Championships. However, according to the engraving of the medal, another medalist named P. Magherini created it.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1952 Summer Olympics Art Competitions ITA Salvatore Magherini
Sculpturing, Open (Olympic (non-medal)) AC