Andy Aitken was a talented and turbulent inside-forward who played for Queen’s Park for ten year after World War Two, He played his first game for the club in the very last peacetime game before the outbreak of the War - a 0-0 draw at St Bernard’s in Edinburgh. A strict amateur, he even refused any sort of remuneration or expenses for playing the game and even bought his own boots and kit. He held a senior position with Colville’s iron and steel works in Motherwell at the time. During the war he had a season with Third Lanark and later with Hamilton Academicals. He returned to Queen’s Park after the war but a difference of opinion with the club caused his retirement in 1949, a good five years before he should have retired. He once had the opportunity to join Aberdeen which would have earned him £5,000 but he stuck to those amateur principals yet again when he took Queen’s Pak’s motto to heart: ‘‘The game for the game’s sake’’