Adolph Weber

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAdolph•Weber
Used nameAdolph•Weber
Born17 February 1875
AffiliationsBerlin Turnerschaft
NOC Germany


German gymnast Adolph Weber participated at the 1904 St. Louis Olympics in two individual events placing 44th in individual all-around, field sports, and 17th in the individual all-around, apparatus work. He started for the Berlin Turnerschaft. Nothing else is known about his life.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1904 Summer Olympics Artistic Gymnastics (Gymnastics) GER Adolph Weber
Individual All-Around, Men (Olympic) 19
Individual All-Around, Field Sports, Men (Olympic) =44
Individual All-Around, Apparatus Work, Men (Olympic) 17