Rudi Stahl

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameRudi Wilhelm•Stahl
Used nameRudi•Stahl
Born11 February 1912 in Darmstadt, Hessen (GER)
Died7 June 1984 in Groß-Gerau, Hessen (GER)
AffiliationsMilitär-SV Darmstadt
NOC Germany
Medals OG
Gold 1
Silver 0
Bronze 0
Total 1


Field handball was only part of the Olympic program once, at the 1936 Berlin Games. The German Reich dominated their two preliminary round matches, beating Hungary 22-0 and then the USA 29-1, before winning all three matches in the final round, including a 10-6 win over Austria in the deciding match that won the gold medal. Rudolf Stahl, by profession was a policeman, and he played six international matches, two of them in Berlin. In 1934 he won the German Championship with his home club Polizeisportverein Darmstadt.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1936 Summer Olympics Handball GER Rudi Stahl
Handball, Men (Olympic) Germany 1 Gold