On leaving Cheltenham College, Philip Neame went to the RMA Woolwich and was commissioned into the Royal Engineers in 1908 which marked the start of an outstanding military career. In December 1914 he won the Victoria Cross at Neuve Chappelle, two years later he was awarded DSO and after filling various commands with distinction attained the rank of lieutenant general in 1940. He was knighted in 1946, while serving as Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey from 1945-53. Neame was a final all-round sportsman, his interest embracing not only target shooting but also hockey, mountaineering, polo, hunting, skiing and big game shooting. None of these sports made excessive demands on his time to be the detriment of the others and he looked on each strictly as a pastime. In fact, his autobiography, which he wrote in captivity before escaping from an Italian prisoner of war camp, reveals that at the 1924 Olympic Games he was under the impression that he was representing the British Empire rather than Great Britain. Unlike his teammates in the running deer, double shot, team event, who defeated Norway by a single point, Neame did not take part in any other event at the Paris Olympics but he has the distinction of being the only man to win an Olympic gold medal and be awarded the Victoria Cross. Neame was a versatile shot and represented the Army in both revolver and rifle competitions. Although overseas postings meant that his appearances at Bisley were spasmodic, he reached the King’s final in 1929. Like many other Olympians, it was a love of sport that led Philip Neame into matrimony but the particular circumstance of his meeting his future wife are, fortunately, not commonplace. After being badly mauled by a tiger while big game hunting in India he married Miss Alberta Drew who nursed him in the hospital.