Renzo Morigi served in the Italian Army in World War I and joined the Fascist Party in the early 1920s. Trained as a physicist, he rose to the position of political secretary and was responsible for the activities of the Blackshirts in the Emilia region. In 1927, he shot down the unsuccessful assassin of his party leader and rival Ettore Muti on the Piazza de Vittorio Emanuele in Ravenna. Morigi had previously shown himself to be reckless and trigger happy, often shooting at street lamps for fun, and he was known as “the human machine gun.” Since he was the only marksman in Los Angeles to hit all the targets during the round, it was rumored that a local gangster offered him a job in his gang. From 1934-39 he was a member of the Chamber of Deputies for the 29th Legislature. Even after World War II, he was never indicted for his actions.