Moisey Itkis won multiple World Championships as follows: Small-Bore Rifle, Standing, 50 metres in 1954 (individual and team) and 1958 (team); Small-Bore Rifle, Three Positions, 50 metres in 1954, 1958 and 1962 (all team); Small-Bore Rifle, Kneeling, 50 metres in 1954 and 1958 (both team); Free Rifle, 300 m in 1954, 1958 and 1962 (all team); and Military Rifle, 300 m in 1958 and 1962 (both team). At the World he won silver medals in Military Rifle, 300 m in 1958 (individual) and bronze in Small-Bore Rifle, Three Positions, 50 metres in 1958 (individual); in Small-Bore Rifle, Prone, 50 metres in 1954 and 1958 (both team); in Small-Bore Rifle, Kneeling, 50 metres in 1954 (individual); and in Free Rifle, 300 m kneeling in 1962 (individual). He also won 11 European Championships and 15 Soviet Championships, setting 12 world records in various rifle shooting events. He also published a book Special Trainings to Professional Sport-Shooter in 1982.