Alfred North

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAlfred Sydney•North
Used nameAlfred•North
Born7 February 1908 in West Ham, England (GBR)
DiedSeptember 1988
AffiliationsPlaistow United Swimming Club, Plaistow (GBR)
NOC Great Britain


Although he was a regular goaltender for Essex and Plaistow United in the 1930s, Alfred North was generally the second choice behind Les Ablett in both the England and Great Britain teams. Ablett started the first three games for Britain at the 1936 Olympics, but North did take over for the remaining matches. Shortly after the Berlin Games, North announced his retirement from the international scene.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1936 Summer Olympics Water Polo (Aquatics) GBR Alfred North
Water Polo, Men (Olympic) Great Britain 8