Toni Leuthe

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAnton "Toni"•Leuthe
Used nameToni•Leuthe
Born21 November 1922 in Singen, Baden-Württemberg (GER)
Measurements67 kg
AffiliationsSV Fellbach, Fellbach (GER)
NOC Germany
Nationality West Germany


Toni Leuthe from Fellbach was a German weightlifter who participated in the 1952 Helsinki Olympics in the lightweight class. He did not finish his competition as he had no valid lift in the snatch element. At the 1955 World Championships he finished ninth. Leuthe competed in seven international matches between 1950 and 1957 and won six West German Championships, at lightweight in 1950-51 and at middleweight between 1953-56. Leuthe was a trained tool fitter and lived and worked in Switzerland for a while.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal Nationality As
1952 Summer Olympics Weightlifting GER FRG Toni Leuthe
Lightweight, Men (Olympic) AC