Andreas Howaldt

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAndreas•Howaldt
Used nameAndreas•Howaldt
Born21 April 1925 in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein (GER)
Died5 September 2017 in Berlin, Berlin (GER)
AffiliationsVSaW, Berlin (GER)
NOC Germany
Nationality West Germany


West German sailor Andreas Howaldt was one of the crew in the 6 metres class that finished 10th at the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games. He was a member of the Verein Seglerhaus am Wannsee in Berlin. His father Hans Howaldt participated in the 1936 Berlin Games. With his father and brothers, ship owner Andreas Howaldt rebuilt the Heinrich Zeiss AG after World War II.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal Nationality As
1952 Summer Olympics Sailing GER FRG Andreas Howaldt
6 metres, Open (Olympic) Nirwana 10

Olympic family relations