Although his achievements are oft overlooked, Alfred Healey, the son of a Lincolnshire brewer and maltster, was one of Britain’s leading high hurdlers in the early years of the 20th century. He won the AAA title in 1909 and was second in 1907 and 1910. He was Northern champion at 100 y and 220 y (1907), 120 y hurdles (1907-08, 1910), and the long jump (1907, 1910). A schoolteacher in Northumbria, he was a good footballer and was a member of Alnmouth FC from 1906. He was also president of Alnwick Harriers AC and vice-president of the Alnwick Swimming Association. He emigrated to Ceylon in 1912. Some sources claim he is the brother of Cecil Healy. has no record of Cecil Heal(e)y being his brother. His only siblings were: Florence, Bertha, Evangelina, Duncan and Richard.
Personal Bests: 100 – unknown; 110H – 15.8 (1908); LJ – 6.42 (21-1) (1910).