Ashleigh Pilbrow

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAshleigh Gordon•Pilbrow
Used nameAshleigh•Pilbrow
Born1 July 1912 in Barnet, England (GBR)
Died2 May 1995 in Beaulieu, England (GBR)
AffiliationsAchilles Club, (GBR)
NOC Great Britain


Ashleigh Pilbrow represented Oxford vs. Cambridge for three years (1933-35), winning the 120y hurdles, the 220y hurdles, and finishing equal second in the high jump in 1935. At the AAA Championships he was a finalist in the 120y hurdles (1934-36), placing third in 1935 and 1936 and was the AAA indoor champion in 1935. In 1934 he took the bronze medal at the British Empire Games and he also had some success when he tried the 440y hurdles that year. He was a finalist at the AAA Championships and at the British Empire Games, although he finished last in both races.

Personal Bests: 120yH – 15.0 (1935/36); 220yH – 25.2e (1934); 440yH – 57.8e (1934); HJ – 1.67 (5-6) (1935).


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1936 Summer Olympics Athletics GBR Ashleigh Pilbrow
110 metres Hurdles, Men (Olympic) 3 h4 r1/3

Olympic family relations

Special Notes