A multi-talented athlete, Werner Camichel was primarily active as a decathlete when he started bobsledding. As a runner for the four-man sled of Jean Wicki, Camichel won his first major title at the Sapporo Olympics. The next year, he had joined Erich Schärer’s team, and helped him win two world titles, in 1973 and 1975. Both times, this earned Camichel and his teammates the title of Swiss sports team of the year.
In 1976, Camichel was selected to carry the flag at the opening ceremony in Innsbruck, although he would not compete himself. Having completed his studies as a physical education teacher, he fulfilled various functions with the Swiss bobsled federation, from assistant coach to team manager. From 1990, he became manager of the bob track at St. Moritz, managing the golf course during summer. He held this job until he became severely ill from cancer and died in 2006. His two sons, Corsin and Duri, both played ice hockey in the Swiss league.