Gilbert Holiday

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameCharles Gilbert Joseph•Holiday
Used nameGilbert•Holiday
Born29 January 1879 in London, England (GBR)
Died8 January 1937 in Molesey, England (GBR)
NOC Great Britain


During World War I British painter Gilbert Holiday was an official war artist, and he also served as a gunner in the Royal field Artillery on the Western Front. He then established himself primarily as an excellent painter of horses. As a keen horseman he painted equestrian scenes of almost every sort, including hunting, racing, polo, coaching, and show jumping. He shared a studio for a short while with Lionel Edwards, who had influenced him, and was widely known as one of the best sporting artists of the 20th century. In 1932 Holiday had a serious riding accident, was paralyzed from the waist down, and was confined to a wheelchair, which eventually led to his death. His nephew Henry was a noted designer of stained glass.

The title of the submitted painting, _ The Try Hards and the Die Hards_ was a pun. It showed a turbulent scene of the Grand National steeplechase horse race. The picture was published as a print of 25 x 38 cm in a whole series on this theme.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1932 Summer Olympics Art Competitions GBR Gilbert Holiday
Painting, Drawings And Water Colors, Open (Olympic) AC