Leonardo was the son of Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, a highly respected historian, literary critic and professor, journalist, essayist and writer. He denied the fascist oath in 1930 at the University of Milan, and had to emigrate to the United States until 1949. An anti-fascist like his father, Leonardo joined the partisans during World War II. He was also a writer of essays and short stories, but was best known as an art critic for the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” from 1945-67. He graduated from the Academy of Brera in Milano in 1928 in Archeology and Medieval and Modern Art History. Subsequently, he continued his studies in Paris and Roma. Beginning in 1934, he participated in the Biennale di Venezia. As a painter his main subjects were interiors, still lifes, and insights of the suburbs. His portraits in particular were highly esteemed.