Like his older brother, Jaap (1876-1969), Wim Dooijewaard became a painter. He completed studies at the Rijksnormaalschool voor Kunstnijverheid in Amsterdam, as a student of Austrian-Dutch artist Georg Sturm and adopted an impressionist style. Wim Dooijewaard was an adventurer who frequently traveled to Japan, but also through the Gobi desert, and he crossed the Tibetan plateau, yet he always came back to Bali. He worked there for some time as a plantation worker and was inspired to paint the dancers of that later-to-be Indonesian island in strict lines and shapes. He also spent time in Norway and Southern France, notably painting ballet dancers in the latter country. He and his brother also spent time in their home country, however, becoming friends with the artist couple William and Anna Singer in Laren. The latter opened a museum in her husband’s former atelier, now known as the Singer Museum.