Carole Montillet-Carles

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games • Other
Full nameCarole•Montillet-Carles
Used nameCarole•Montillet-Carles
Born7 April 1973 in Grenoble, Isère (FRA)
Measurements164 cm / 73 kg
AffiliationsVillard de Lans 38
NOC France
Medals OG
Gold 1
Silver 0
Bronze 0
Total 1


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1998 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing (Skiing) FRA Carole Montillet
Downhill, Women (Olympic) 14
Super G, Women (Olympic) =14
2002 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing (Skiing) FRA Carole Montillet
Downhill, Women (Olympic) 1 Gold
Super G, Women (Olympic) 7
Giant Slalom, Women (Olympic) 18
2006 Winter Olympics Alpine Skiing (Skiing) FRA Carole Montillet-Carles
Downhill, Women (Olympic) 28
Super G, Women (Olympic) 5

Other participations

Games Role NOC As
2002 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Opening Ceremony FRA Carole Montillet-Carles
2006 Winter Olympics Flagbearer at the Closing Ceremony FRA Carole Montillet-Carles

Special Notes