| Event type

Target Shooting, Men

Date 9 February 1964
StatusOlympic (non-medal)
LocationEisschnellaufbahn im Olympiaeisstadion, Innsbruck
Participants16 from 4 countries

A huge win for Johan Rottensteiner, with the top 10 places distributed relatively evenly among the four competing nations.

1Johann RottensteinerAUT63
2Albin StockingerGER47
3Johann KainzAUT42
4Josef SchwarzGER40
5Josef EbnerITA38
6Franz GerominiSUI35
7Ernst WaldthalerITA34
8Karl StraubGER31
9Karl WartmannSUI25
10Räto SchneiderSUI24
11Hermann PapstAUT22
12Peter ZuntererGER18
13Karl WeberSUI17
14Rudolf PanzenböckAUT10
15Willi HoferITA8
16Friedrich WerthITA4