Willy Fascher

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameHermann August Otto Wilhelm "Willy" (-Hermann August Otto Willy)•Fascher
Used nameWilly•Fascher
Born5 May 1912 in Hannover, Niedersachsen (GER)
Died14 December 1989 in Hannover, Niedersachsen (GER)
AffiliationsTKH, Hannover (GER)
NOC Germany
Nationality West Germany


Willy Fascher was mainly a sabre fencer but also participated with the foil team at the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games. He was eliminated in the second round in both the team and individual sabre events. After a really poor first round performance in the team foil, Fascher was replaced by team-mate Siegfried Rossner. In 1953 and 1954 Fascher was German sabre champion. With TK Hannover he also won national team titles in 1951 and 1952. In 1956 he was awarded the Silver Bay Leaf.

Fascher later became the general director of Stadtsparkasse Hannover. In this function he approved several unsecured loans in millions and collected corresponding commissions. He also made several transactions for his own benefit. This scandal was later called “Die Fascher Affäre”. He was arrested in 1977 after intensive investigations, and received an unknown sentence in 1983.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal Nationality As
1952 Summer Olympics Fencing GER FRG Willy Fascher
Foil, Team, Men (Olympic) Unified Team of Germany 4 p3 r2/4
Sabre, Individual, Men (Olympic) =7 p4 r2/4
Sabre, Team, Men (Olympic) Unified Team of Germany 3 p3 r2/4