Andrew Gajda

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameAndrew W.•Gajda (-Guyda)
Used nameAndrew•Gajda
Born26 February 1907 in Manchester, New Hampshire (USA)
Died4 June 1956 in Waltham, Massachusetts (USA)
AffiliationsBoston Soccer Football Club
NOC United States


Andrew Gajda played football (soccer) for the US at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He played for the Boston Soccer Football Club. Gajda later changed his name to Andrew Guyda, although it is unclear why, and became freshman soccer coach at Harvard.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1936 Summer Olympics Football (Football) USA Andrew Gajda
Football, Men (Olympic) United States =9