
Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Ancient Olympic Games
Full nameEupolemos
Used name•Eupolemos
NOC Elis
Medals AG
Gold 2
Silver 0
Bronze 0
Total 2


The stadion race in 396 BCE was so close that the umpires were split two-to-one over the identity of the victor. The Olympic Council fined the judges who felt that the declared runner-up (Leon of Ambracia) had actually won. Eupolemos also won the pentathlon title three times at Olympia (unknown dates), twice at Pythia, and once at Nemea.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
396 BCE Ancient Olympics Ancient Athletics (Ancient Sports) ELI Eupolemos
Stadion, Men (Ancient Olympics) 1 Gold
Unknown Ancient Olympics Ancient Athletics (Ancient Sports) ELI Eupolemos
Pentathlon, Men (Ancient Olympics) 1 Gold