Jack Daniels

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameJack Tupper•Daniels
Used nameJack•Daniels
Born26 April 1933 in Detroit, Michigan (USA)
Measurements180 cm / 79 kg
AffiliationsUS Army, (USA)
NOC United States
Medals OG
Gold 0
Silver 1
Bronze 1
Total 2


Jack Daniels is one of the three U.S. pentathletes to win two Olympic medals, both in the team event. In 1956 he finished 13th individually based on the strength of a second in riding. In 1960 he was eighth individually with a third place in swimming. Daniels won the 1958 National Championships, was second in that event in 1957 and 1962, and third in 1960. He had a career in the Army but became an exercise physiologist and has been known for assisting with the training of many high caliber athletes. He later also became a well-known coach at SUNY Cortland.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1956 Summer Olympics Modern Pentathlon USA Jack Daniels
Individual, Men (Olympic) 13
Team, Men (Olympic) United States 2 Silver
1960 Summer Olympics Modern Pentathlon USA Jack Daniels
Individual, Men (Olympic) 8
Team, Men (Olympic) United States 3 Bronze