Harry Munday

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameHenry "Harry"•Munday
Used nameHarry•Munday
Born12 May 1847 in Windsor, England (GBR)
Died22 September 1926 in St. Pancras, England (GBR)
NOC Great Britain


Harry Munday joined the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) in 1869 and served them for 17 years until retiring with the rank of major in 1886. At the time of joining the HAC, he was, like his father, an excellent fencer, but soon also became an excellent shot and would go on to have a long and magnificent record on the pistol and rifle ranges of both Wimbledon and Bisley.

Munday captured the 1873 Prince of Wales Prize at Bisley and represented England and Great Britain in the Kolapore and National meetings. In 1923 he appeared at Bisley for the 50th consecutive year, at the age of 76. After his Army career, Munday became a manufacture of tricycle carriers. He was also a Justice of the Peace (JP) for Middlesex.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1908 Summer Olympics Shooting GBR Harry Munday
Free Pistol, 50 yards, Men (Olympic) 39