Sabiahmad Abdullah Ahad

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games • Other
Full nameSabiahmad Abdullah•Ahad
Used nameSabiahmad Abdullah•Ahad
Born20 March 1956 in Muar, Johor (MAS)
Died10 April 2021 in Kajang, Selangor (MAS)
Measurements168 cm / 68 kg
NOC Malaysia


Sabiamad Abdullah Ahad competed in sport shooting at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. A pistol shooter, Ahad was a dominant shooter at the Southeast Asian level. He retired from competition in the early 1990s but served the sport as a coach and manager of the Malaysian national squad, notably at the SEA Games in 2013 and 2017 and the 2016 Rio Olympics. Ahad was also a board member of the National Athletes Welfare Foundation.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1984 Summer Olympics Shooting MAS Sabiahmad Abdullah Ahad
Free Pistol, 50 metres, Men (Olympic) 35

Other participations

Games Role NOC As
1984 Summer Olympics Flagbearer at the Opening Ceremony MAS Sabiahmad Abdullah Ahad

Special Notes