Khadr El-Touni’s in the 1936 middleweight class was one of the most dominant weightlifting performances of all time. Not only did he defeat his closest opponents - Rudolf Ismayr and Adolf Wagner, both Germans - by 35 kg, he also beat the mark of the winner of the Light-Heavyweight division by 15 kg. Khadr El-Touni went on to win three world titles (1946, 1949, 1950), placing 3rd at the 1951 World Championships. He also competed in the 1948 Olympics, but illness prevented him from successfully defending his title and he placed fourth. El-Touni also recorded 16 world records, although only 11 of them were recognized. He was killed while attempting to repair electrical wiring in his home.
DOD also seen as September 25, but his obituary appeared in Al-Ahram on September 23