Jeff Michels

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameJeffrey Thomas "Jeff"•Michels
Used nameJeff•Michels
Born29 April 1961
Measurements186 cm / 110 kg
AffiliationsYork Barbell Club, York (USA)
NOC United States


Jeff Michels was a heavyweight weightlifter who competed for the US at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. He competed at the 1983 Pan American Games, appearing to win three gold medals, but they were removed when he tested positive for PED use. He later competed at the 1991 Pan American Games, winning a silver and two bronzes as a super-heavyweight. He won US titles in 1982-83, 1985, and 1988-90. Michels’ career was hampered by a back injury that eventually caused him to leave the sport. He later worked for a dictation equipment company.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1988 Summer Olympics Weightlifting USA Jeff Michels
Heavyweight II, Men (Olympic) 13

Special Notes