Rich Shanko

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameRichard Michael "Rich"•Shanko
Used nameRich•Shanko
Born11 January 1960 in New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA)
Measurements178 cm / 100 kg
AffiliationsYork Barbell Club, York (USA)
NOC United States


Rich Shanko started lifting in 1972 to get stronger for football. Shanko was second in the 100 kg class at the 1982-84 US Championships, placing third at 90 kg in 1981. He was also second at the 1981-82 National Sports Festivals. After competing at the 1984 Olympics, he did not compete again at the senior national level.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1984 Summer Olympics Weightlifting USA Rich Shanko
Heavyweight I, Men (Olympic) 7