At the time of his 1912 Olympic participation, William Lyshon was noted to be the Middle Atlantic AAU Champion, represented the Germantown Boys Club and the Pennsylvania Railroad YMCA, and also spent some time as a volunteer wrestling coach at the University of Pennsylvania. Lyshon worked for the Philadelphia Bell Telephone Company as a service inspector in 1912, and was originally not selected for the 1912 Olympic team because there were not sufficient funds to pay his way, so he had chosen to work his way across the Atlantic to compete. But he was a member of The Spare Pair Society, which was composed of the operating force and officials of Bell Telephone. When The Spare Pair Society heard of Lyshon’s fate, they raised funds that allowed him to travel to Stockholm first-class. Lyshon’s Olympic journey was short, as he was pinned in both his matches. Lyshon was killed in the final days of World War I.