Ludwig Kuhn

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameLudwig•Kuhn
Used nameLudwig•Kuhn
Born26 May 1918 in Füssen, Bayern (GER)
Died6 May 2001 in Füssen, Bayern (GER)
AffiliationsEV Füssen, Füssen (GER)
NOC Germany
Nationality West Germany


Ice hockey player Ludwig Kuhn finished eighth with the German team at the 1952 Oslo Winter Olympic Games. From 1950-56 he played for EV Füssen and won the German Championship four times between 1953-56, and also won the Spengler Cup in 1952. He was later inducted into the German Ice Hockey Hall of Fame.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal Nationality As
1952 Winter Olympics Ice Hockey (Ice Hockey) GER FRG Ludwig Kuhn
Ice Hockey, Men (Olympic) Unified Team of Germany 8