Poul Bille-Holst

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full namePoul•Bille-Holst
Used namePoul•Bille-Holst
Born15 June 1894 in Frederiksberg, Hovedstaden (DEN)
Died9 February 1959 in Esbønderup, Gribskov, Hovedstaden (DEN)
NOC Denmark


Poul Bille-Holst studied at the Royal Art Academy in København and married into the influential Swedish family Wachtmeister-Johannishus (Countess Sofia Louise). He continued to study in Paris and became a student of Brazilian Pedro Araujo. He was close to the political left and temporarily published the art magazine Buen. In the 1930s, Bille-Holst became a chronicler of the dying profession of charcoal burners. While initially painting in the cubist style, he became one of the most important Scandinavian modernists of the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) style.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1936 Summer Olympics Art Competitions DEN Poul Bille-Holst
Painting, Paintings, Open (Olympic) AC