Ferruccio Pasqui

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameFerruccio Carlo Giuseppe•Pasqui
Used nameFerruccio•Pasqui
Born5 February 1886 in Rapolano Terme, Siena (ITA)
Died23 November 1958 in Firenze, Firenze (ITA)
NOC Italy


Italian ceramist, illustrator, decorator, painter and engraver Ferruccio Pasqui studied in his hometown of Siena and in Firenze working mainly as a fresco painter. He moved to Roma in the mid-1920s. There he produced some big ceramic works with the advice and cooperation of technical ceramic artist Fernando Frigiotti. Apart from the development of artistic ceramics and paintings Pasqui was devoted to teaching and became director of the Institute of Industrial Art in Venezia, then director of the School of Ceramics of Castelli (Teramo), and later of the Royal Institute of Art in Firenze.

The original title of his painting submitted in Amsterdam was L’antico gioco del Pallone (The ancient ball game), a traditional Italian ball game, which was played on the Piazza del Campo in Siena on Boxing Day from the 16th century until the early 20th century. The painting is included in the illustrations’ part of the art catalog.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1928 Summer Olympics Art Competitions ITA Ferruccio Pasqui
Painting, Paintings, Open (Olympic) AC