Keith Wegeman

Biographical information

RolesCompeted in Olympic Games
Full nameKeith Richard•Wegeman
Used nameKeith•Wegeman
Born28 August 1929 in Denver, Colorado (USA)
Died22 August 1974 in ? (MEX)
NOC United States


Keith Wegeman competed for Denver University, and was on US teams at the 1950 World Championships and the 1952 Winter Olympics. After graduation he was an instructor in the US Army Mountain and Cold Weather Training Company. Wegeman later moved to California where he became a ski instructor, and host of a televised ski instruction show. In the 1960s Keith Wegeman was the human figure used in the Jolly Green Giant television commercials. His daughter, Katherine Kelly Lang, became a well-known actress, best remembered as Brooke Logan Forrester on the American soap opera, “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Along with his father, Al, and brother, Paul, Keith Wegeman is a member of the Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame, inducted in 1989.


Games Discipline (Sport) / Event NOC / Team Pos Medal As
1952 Winter Olympics Ski Jumping (Skiing) USA Keith Wegeman
Large Hill, Individual, Men (Olympic) =12

Olympic family relations