Very little information about the Art Competitions can be found in Verdyck’s Official Report, which has only the results. The article by G. De Nijn, Een nieuw licht op de Olympische kunstprijskampen te Antwerpen in 1920, contains only the names of the medal winners. Richard Stanton, in his book on the Olympic Art Competitions, was only able to identify artists from 18 countries submitting works. Thus, there is limited information available about the artists and their works, as opposed to the Art Competitions in later years, for which brochures with a list of artists and their works exist, some with photos. There was no such publication for Antwerp. Also it is not known whether the works were exhibited. Regardless, in Antwerp two art exhibitions took place, one on Belgian art since 1830 and the other for contemporary Belgian artists. It is possible that in one of these exhibitions, there was also a room with the Olympic works.