| Event type

Featherweight, Greco-Roman (≤62 kilograms), Men

Date20 – 22 July 1980
LocationLegkoatletichesky manezh, Legkoatletichesky Futbolny Kompleks CSKA, Moskva
Participants11 from 11 countries
FormatScoring by negative points, with negative points given for any result short of a fall. Accumulation of 6 negative points eliminated the wrestler.

There were a number of contenders with no definite favorite. Soviet Boris Kramarenko had won the 1978 World Championships, while Hungarian Istvan Tóth won that title in 1979. Poland’s Kazimierz Lipień was the defending gold medalist and had won the 1978 European title. Greece’s Stelios Mygiakis had won the 1979 Europeans but was somewhat of an afterthought. Lipień was not a factor, losing in round one to Mygiakis, and to Bulgarian Panayot Kirov in round three, which eliminated him. Kramarenko, Mygiakis, and Tóth were the three finalists, with Tóth’s victory over Kramarenko in round four, and Mygiakis’s defeat of Kramarenko in round five both carried over to the final results. Mygiakis then met Tóth with the gold medal on the line, which went to Mygiakis when Tóth was disqualified for passivity at 8:27 of the match. As David Wallechinsky pointed out in The Complete Book of the Olympics, this made “Mygiakis the first ‘Greco’ ever to win a Greco-Roman gold medal in the Olympics.”

PosCompetitor(s)NOCREBad Points
1Stelios MygiakisGREGold
2István TóthHUNSilver
3Boris KramarenkoURSBronze
4Ivica FrgićYUG
5Panayot KirovBUL
6Kazimierz LipieńPOL
7Radwan KaroutSYR
8Michal VejsadaTCH
ACLars MalmkvistSWEEliminated r3/69,0
ACIon PăunROUEliminated r2/67,0
ACGhulam SanayAFGEliminated r2/68,0

Round One (20 July 1980 — 10:30)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1Panayot KirovBUL0,0
=1István TóthHUN0,0
=1Michal VejsadaTCH0,0
=1Boris KramarenkoURS0,0
=5Stelios MygiakisGRE1,0
=5Lars MalmkvistSWE1,0
=7Kazimierz LipieńPOL3,0
=7Ion PăunROU3,0
=9Ghulam SanayAFG4,0
=9Radwan KaroutSYR4,0
=9Ivica FrgićYUG4,0

Match #1 Panayot KirovBUL
DQ (5:37)
Radwan KaroutSYR
Match #2 István TóthHUN
fall (1:21)
Ghulam SanayAFG
Match #3 Stelios MygiakisGRE
decision (4-2)
Kazimierz LipieńPOL
Match #4 Lars MalmkvistSWE
decision (4-2)
Ion PăunROU
Match #5 Boris KramarenkoURS
decision (19-1)
Ivica FrgićYUG
Match #6 Michal VejsadaTCH bye

Round Two (20 July 1980 — 19:30)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1István TóthHUN0,0
=1Boris KramarenkoURS0,0
3Stelios MygiakisGRE1,0
4Kazimierz LipieńPOL3,0
=5Panayot KirovBUL4,0
=5Radwan KaroutSYR4,0
=5Michal VejsadaTCH4,0
=5Ivica FrgićYUG4,0
9Lars MalmkvistSWE5,0
10Ion PăunROU7,0eliminated
11Ghulam SanayAFG8,0eliminated

Match #1 Radwan KaroutSYR
fall (2:14)
Michal VejsadaTCH
Match #2 István TóthHUN
DQ (7:00)
Panayot KirovBUL
Match #3 Stelios MygiakisGRE
DQ (3:28)
Ghulam SanayAFG
Match #4 Kazimierz LipieńPOL
DQ (5:29)
Lars MalmkvistSWE
Match #5 Ivica FrgićYUG
DQ (6:54)
Ion PăunROU
Match #6 Boris KramarenkoURS bye

Round Three (21 July 1980 — 11:00)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1István TóthHUN0,0
=1Boris KramarenkoURS0,0
3Stelios MygiakisGRE1,0
4Ivica FrgićYUG4,0
5Panayot KirovBUL5,0
6Kazimierz LipieńPOL6,0eliminated
=7Radwan KaroutSYR8,0eliminated
=7Michal VejsadaTCH8,0eliminated
9Lars MalmkvistSWE9,0eliminated

Match #1 Boris KramarenkoURS
DQ (8:29)
Michal VejsadaTCH
Match #2 István TóthHUN
DQ (7:06)
Radwan KaroutSYR
Match #3 Panayot KirovBUL
decision (5-3)
Kazimierz LipieńPOL
Match #4 Stelios MygiakisGRE
DQ (passivity) (8:05)
Lars MalmkvistSWE
Match #5 Ivica FrgićYUG bye

Round Four (21 July 1980 — 19:30)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
1István TóthHUN0,0
2Stelios MygiakisGRE1,0
=3Boris KramarenkoURS4,0
=3Ivica FrgićYUG4,0
5Panayot KirovBUL9,0eliminated

Match #1 Ivica FrgićYUG
DQ (7:15)
Panayot KirovBUL
Match #2 István TóthHUN
DQ (7:27)
Boris KramarenkoURS
Match #3 Stelios MygiakisGRE bye

Round Five (22 July 1980)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
1István TóthHUN1,0
2Stelios MygiakisGRE2,0
=3Boris KramarenkoURS7,0eliminated
=3Ivica FrgićYUG7,0eliminated

Match #1 Stelios MygiakisGRE
decision (6-3)
Boris KramarenkoURS
Match #2 István TóthHUN
decision (8-4)
Ivica FrgićYUG

Final Round (22 July 1980 — 19:00)

Match #1 Stelios MygiakisGRE
DQ (8:27)
István TóthHUN
Match #2 Boris KramarenkoURS bye