In 1972 David Rigert (URS) had been a huge favorite in this class but failed to make a valid lift in the snatch and was eliminated, after which he went berserk backstage. He came to Montréal as even a heavier favorite, having won the World Championships in 1973-75, and had won the last six European Championships. This time there was no need to restrain him after the event, as Rigert had the best snatch and clean & jerk and won the gold medal with a 20 kg margin over American Lee James. Rigert would continue to dominate this class and in 1980 in Moskva, was again the clear favorite, but again failed to make a lift in the snatch and did not finish. James’ silver medal was the last Olympic medal won by an American male weightlifter through 2012, save for two at the 1984 Olympics, which were strongly affected by the Eastern Bloc boycott.