Shelley Looney played for Northeastern University from 1991-94, being named ECAC Player of the Year in 1994. She played for Team USA from 1997-2006, but was cut just before the Torino Olympics, ending her career with 61 goals and 136 points in 151 games. Looney also played for one year with the Vancouver Griffins of the National Women’s Hockey League. After her playing career ended Looney went into coaching, working with the US Boys Under-17 team, then serving as assistant coach at the University of Vermont in 2005-06, and later becoming the coaching director for the New Jersey Colonials. Looney was inducted into Northeastern College’s Hockey Hall of Fame in 1999.
When Looney was only 7-years-old, she wrote a letter to the Canadian government, thanking them for helping six Americans escape from Iran at the start of the Iran Hostage Crisis. The letter was recorded and released as a record in March 1980, entitled “(This is My Country) Thank You, Canada.”