Members of the International Judo Federation Hall of Fame (27)

Athlete Nation(s) Sport(s) Role(s) Era Notes
Neil Adams GBR JUD Olympics 1980—1988 Inducted in 2013
Ingrid Berghmans BEL JUD Non-Medal 1988 Inducted in 2013
Karen Briggs GBR JUD Olympics 1992 Inducted in 2015
Shota Chochishvili GEO
JUD Olympics 1972—1976 Inducted in 2015
David Douillet FRA JUD Olympics / Other 1992—2000 Inducted in 2013
Ezio Gamba ITA JUD Olympics 1976—1988 Inducted in 2013
Anton Geesink NED JUD Olympics / Other / Administrator 1964—2010 Inducted in 2003
Driulis González CUB JUD Olympics 1992—2008 Inducted in 2015
Soraya Haddad ALG JUD Olympics 2004—2012 Inducted in 2015
Pat Hickey IRL Administrator 1989—2022 Inducted in 2013
Kosei Inoue JPN JUD Olympics / Other 2000—2004 Inducted in 2013
Jeon Gi-Yeong KOR JUD Olympics 1996 Inducted in 2015
Jigoro Kano JPN Administrator 1909—1938 Inducted in 1999
Aurélio Miguel BRA JUD Olympics / Other 1988—1996 Inducted in 2013
Charles Palmer GBR Administrator 1965—1988 Inducted in 2003
Mária Pekli AUS
JUD Olympics 1992—2008 Inducted in 2015
Mohamed Ali Rashwan EGY JUD Olympics / Referee 1984—2012 Inducted in 2013
Thierry Rey FRA JUD Olympics 1980 Inducted in 2013
Héctor Rodríguez CUB JUD Olympics 1972—1980 Inducted in 2013
Jean-Luc Rougé FRA JUD Olympics 1976—1980 Inducted in 2013
Wim Ruska NED JUD Olympics 1972 Inducted in 2013
Peter Seisenbacher AUT JUD Olympics 1980—1988 Inducted in 2013
Ryoko Tamura-Tani JPN JUD Olympics / Other 1992—2008 Inducted in 2013
Haruki Uemura JPN JUD Olympics 1976 Inducted in 2015
Robert Van de Walle BEL JUD Olympics 1976—1992 Inducted in 2013
Gella Vandecaveye BEL JUD Olympics 1992—2004 Inducted in 2015
Yasuhiro Yamashita JPN JUD Olympics / Administrator 1984—2020 Inducted in 2015