Not held in other editions
| Event type

Shortboard, Men

Date25 – 27 July 2021
LocationTsurigasaki Surfing Beach, Torami, Chiba
Participants19 from 13 countries

The favourites heading into the men’s competition were the Brazilian one-two punch of Gabriel Medina and Italo Ferreira. The latter, reigning world champion, and a winner this year in a Championship Tour event, was expected to shine with his renowned aerial prowess. Medina, two-time world champion, was also peaking, having made four of five finals in 2021 World Surf League events and winning two of them. Other strong medal hopefuls were Japan’s Kanoa Igarashi, 2019 world ranked number six, a native of California but of Japanese parentage, whose father had surfed at Tsurigasaki Beach while growing up in that country, and American veteran surfer, John John Florence, former two-time world champion. Another veteran hoping to make the podium was Australia’s Owen Wright, past winner of four World Surf League events, who had suffered a devastating brain injury in 2015 during competition, requiring him to relearn how to talk, walk, and surf again.

Florence was the first of the favourites to fall once competition began, being eliminated in Round 3 by fellow countryman Kolohe Andino. Medals days offered very difficult conditions, due to the offshore storm, but promised some stellar wave conditions. In the quarterfinals, the remaining top favourites moved through, with Japan’s Igarashi dispatching the United States’ Andino. The semifinals provided a set of exciting contests, with Igarashi defeating Brazil’s Medina by the narrowest of margins, and the latter’s countryman, Ferreira, closing out Australia’s Wright in another close result. The bronze medal event continued the nail biters with Owen Wright emerging the winner by .20 points, capping a truly remarkable career comeback. The gold medal contest was a bit anticlimactic as Ferreira decisively trimmed Igarashi, and that despite breaking a board and requiring a replacement. The win cemented his standing in surfing circles, with the Olympic gold medal added to his World Surf League Championship Tour title, and World Surfing Games gold medal, both in 2019.

1Ítalo FerreiraBRAGold
2Kanoa IgarashiJPNSilver
3Owen WrightAUSBronze
4Gabriel MedinaBRA
=5Kolohe AndinoUSA
=5Michel BourezFRA
=5Lucca MesinasPER
=5Hiroto OhharaJPN
=9Ramzi BoukhiamMAR
=9Leonardo FioravantiITA
=9John John FlorenceUSA
=9Jérémy FlorèsFRA
=9Billy StairmandNZL
=9Miguel TudelaPER
=9Rio WaidaINA
=9Julian WilsonAUS
=17Leon GlatzerGER
=17Manuel SelmanCHI
19Leandro UsunaARG
DNSCarlos MuñozCRC

Round One

Date25 July 2021 — 7:00
FormatFirst two surfers per heat advance to round three, others advance to round two.
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat #1

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14Wave 15
1Ítalo FerreiraBRA13.677.006.674.170.932.934.000.805.275.400.935.904.907.005.036.675.903.87Q
2Hiroto OhharaJPN11.406.005.403.500.373.836.005.400.773.171.534.401.53Q
3Leonardo FioravantiITA9.434.934.503.900.470.434.503.770.674.934.370.500.300.971.17
4Leandro UsunaARG8.

Heat #2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9
1Kanoa IgarashiJPN12.776.676.104.901.230.506.676.101.902.002.30Q
2Miguel TudelaPER10.675.605.073.234.571.035.074.331.535.604.274.87Q
3Billy StairmandNZL9.975.004.975.003.831.000.873.433.434.971.10
4Jérémy FlorèsFRA7.634.633.003.000.501.672.672.531.934.632.27

Heat #3

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1Lucca MesinasPER11.405.735.674.171.232.331.933.503.635.675.73Q
2Kolohe AndinoUSA10.275.404.874.434.535.404.870.274.57Q
3Rio WaidaINA9.965.134.833.670.933.504.830.501.
4Julian WilsonAUS8.774.873.900.833.603.901.673.331.870.434.870.932.130.67

Heat #4

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7
1Owen WrightAUS10.405.504.904.431.633.904.900.504.905.50Q
2Ramzi BoukhiamMAR10.
3John John FlorenceUSA8.374.573.802.002.304.571.133.802.570.50
4Manuel SelmanCHI6.

Heat #5

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14
1Gabriel MedinaBRA12.
2Michel BourezFRA10.105.434.674.674.500.301.931.275.433.270.501.73Q
3Leon GlatzerGER10.
DNSCarlos MuñozCRC

Round Two

Date25 July 2021 — 13:40
FormatFirst three surfers per heat advance to round three.
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat #1

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1John John FlorenceUSA12.776.676.104.503.433.506.676.105.870.503.27Q
2Rio WaidaINA11.535.905.632.833.102.875.900.500.304.631.103.835.632.100.43Q
3Billy StairmandNZL11.345.875.473.575.104.275.475.872.834.97Q
4Manuel SelmanCHI9.745.174.575.173.204.572.171.572.173.431.174.203.671.00
DNSCarlos MuñozCRC

Heat #2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13
1Leonardo FioravantiITA12.536.506.033.104.576.505.430.500.904.376.030.50Q
2Jérémy FlorèsFRA11.376.005.373.330.505.370.502.576.002.600.500.573.501.73Q
3Julian WilsonAUS11.275.775.504.505.204.675.502.505.334.505.77Q
4Leon GlatzerGER10.435.235.202.903.
5Leandro UsunaARG9.674.904.774.904.533.603.373.332.000.871.134.770.630.403.632.80

Round Three

Date26 July 2021 — 13:18
FormatWinners advance to quarter-finals.
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat #1

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13
1Kanoa IgarashiJPN14.
2Rio WaidaINA12.006.175.832.672.002.930.430.535.830.406.170.501.070.270.430.93

Heat #2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14Wave 15Wave 16
1Kolohe AndinoUSA14.838.506.338.500.500.302.670.470.970.604.903.230.574.401.001.176.330.501.93
2John John FlorenceUSA11.606.774.834.831.100.332.700.473.431.030.434.

Heat #3

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14
1Michel BourezFRA12.436.835.600.434.336.835.600.300.770.533.103.170.500.570.83
2Ramzi BoukhiamMAR9.404.904.501.003.670.734.901.071.170.504.500.700.470.431.00

Heat #4

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13
1Gabriel MedinaBRA14.337.506.837.501.001.130.672.600.500.431.030.506.832.73
2Julian WilsonAUS13.006.836.176.170.505.671.130.501.000.474.670.300.530.830.336.83

Heat #5

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13
1Ítalo FerreiraBRA14.547.377.172.674.830.671.500.670.335.677.170.431.007.376.672.17
2Billy StairmandNZL9.675.274.400.503.003.771.130.472.000.501.305.274.400.902.47

Heat #6

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1Hiroto OhharaJPN10.005.674.331.000.573.600.470.904.333.171.000.570.935.67
2Miguel TudelaPER9.635.134.504.500.501.704.231.233.504.272.272.735.130.600.97

Heat #7

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14
1Lucca MesinasPER10.775.775.000.502.832.332.735.000.870.434.534.570.304.970.502.205.77
2Leonardo FioravantiITA8.864.534.331.003.232.734.330.504.533.030.270.830.500.300.80

Heat #8

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1Owen WrightAUS15.007.837.176.677.177.832.23
2Jérémy FlorèsFRA12.906.736.170.506.171.000.500.500.932.701.000.376.731.131.10


Date27 July 2021 — 7:00
FormatWinners advance to semi-finals.
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat #1

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9
1Kanoa IgarashiJPN12.606.675.935.336.670.505.930.832.334.53
2Kolohe AndinoUSA11.005.775.235.230.870.470.435.770.503.170.271.00

Heat #2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13
1Gabriel MedinaBRA15.339.006.330.500.430.631.276.332.009.000.574.601.130.474.071.00
2Michel BourezFRA13.666.936.732.670.500.371.006.730.506.930.430.70

Heat #3

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8
1Ítalo FerreiraBRA16.309.746.579.730.703.505.001.106.436.570.73
2Hiroto OhharaJPN11.906.735.172.835.171.000.930.500.406.73

Heat #4

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10
1Owen WrightAUS12.746.676.072.836.676.07
2Lucca MesinasPER7.834.103.733.670.500.300.530.600.873.731.003.534.10


Date27 July 2021 — 11:48
FormatWinners advance to final round.
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat #1

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7
1Kanoa IgarashiJPN17.009.337.677.673.170.503.039.330.501.00
2Gabriel MedinaBRA16.768.438.338.337.100.938.430.800.673.17

Heat #2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1Ítalo FerreiraBRA13.176.676.501.734.501.231.671.036.501.031.631.306.671.231.93
2Owen WrightAUS12.476.476.005.002.571.006.000.436.473.700.37

Final Round

Date27 July 2021 — 14:16
Head JudgeGlen ElliottAUS
Head JudgeRichard PierceUSA
Judge 1Luiz PereiraBRA
Judge 2Dan KosoofNZL
Judge 3Tory GilkersonUSA
Judge 4Benjamin LoweAUS
Judge 5Bruno TruchFRA
Judge 6Masato KatoJPN
Judge 7Nuno TrigoPOR

Heat 1/2

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12Wave 13Wave 14
1Ítalo FerreiraBRA15.147.777.371.707.005.504.907.771.071.070.500.377.370.670.20
2Kanoa IgarashiJPN6.603.832.770.673.831.730.530.571.030.500.900.632.770.430.870.330.57

Heat 3/4

PosCompetitorNOCPointsBest WaveSecond-Best WaveWave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7Wave 8Wave 9Wave 10Wave 11Wave 12
1Owen WrightAUS11.976.505.476.500.502.105.470.500.471.00
2Gabriel MedinaBRA11.776.005.770.771.005.431.100.300.933.075.770.506.000.501.07