| Event type

Music, Compositions For Orchestra, Open

Date16 July – 3 August 1952
StatusOlympic (non-medal)
LocationHelsingin Taidehalli, Helsinki
Participants13 from 7 countries
PosCatalogue NumberCompetitorNOCTranslated TitleOriginal TitleTitle in Olympic Report or Catalogue
AC157Brian BoydellIRLIn Memoriam Mahatma GandhiIn Memoriam Mahatma GandhiIn Memoriam Mahatma Gandhi. 1948.
AC159Éamonn Ó GallchobhairIRLPeter Street (Dance Drama Based on a Book by Sean Delamere)Peter Street (Dance Drama Based on a Book by Sean Delamere)Peter Street. Dance Drama Based on a Book by Sean Delamere. 1949.
AC160Murray AdaskinCANBallet Symphony (March/Allegro/Pas de deux/Fugue/Adagio/Finale)Ballet Symphony (March/Allegro/Pas de deux/Fugue/Adagio/Finale)Ballet Symphony. 1951. March Allegro Pas de deux Fugue Adagio Finale
AC162Alexander BrottCANDelightful Delusions (Overture)Delightful Delusions (Overture)Delightful Delusions. Overture. 1951.
AC164Samuel J. DolinCANSerenade for Strings in Memory of Albert Whitehead (Allegro marcato/Andante non troppo/Rondo (Presto))Serenade for Strings in Memory of Albert Whitehead (Allegro marcato/Andante non troppo/Rondo (Presto))Serenade for Strings in Memory of Albert Whitehead. 1951. Allegro marcato Andante non troppo Rondo (Presto)
AC168René HemmerLUXOlympiaOlympiaOlympia, prélude pour orchestre. 1951. ©
AC171Zygmunt MycielskiPOLSilesian OvertureUwertura SlaskaUwertura Slaska (Ouverture silésienne). 1948.
AC172Andrzej PanufnikPOLHeroic OvertureUwertura BohaterskaUwertura Bohaterska (Ouverture héroique). 1952
AC173Paul ConstantinescuROUJuventusJuventusJuventus. Ouverture pour orchestre symphonique. 1952.
AC176Werner EgkGERAllegriaAllegriaAllegria. Suite pour orchestre. 1952. Lento—Allegro Allegro Lento Allegro
AC177Uuno KlamiFINCyclistsPyöräilijät/PyöräilijäPyöräilijät (Cyclists). Rondo for Orchestra. 1947.
AC180Tauno PylkkänenFINMarathonMarathonMarathon. Overture. 1947.
AC181Lauri SaikkolaFIN1500 m / One Mile1500 m1500 m. Parody for Orchestra. 1947.