| Event type

Heavyweight, Freestyle (≤100 kilograms), Men

Date28 – 30 July 1980
LocationLegkoatletichesky manezh, Legkoatletichesky Futbolny Kompleks CSKA, Moskva
Participants15 from 15 countries
FormatScoring by negative points, with negative points given for any result short of a fall. Accumulation of 6 negative points eliminated the wrestler, but a wrestler could not be eliminated after a victory. When three or fewer wrestlers remained, they advanced to a final round, with preliminary results carried forward.

The only major contender missing was American Russ Hellickson, the 1976 silver medalist, who had lost in the final of the 1979 Worlds to Soviet Illia Mate. Mate, however, would have been favored at any rate, also having won the 1979 European title. Another contender was Bulgarian Slavcho Chervenkov, runner-up at the Europeans in 1979-80. Mate and Chervenkov both made the final round, joined there by Czechoslovak Július Strnisko. Mate had won a close decision over Chervenkov in round four, 6-4, so when he defeated Strnisko by superior decision in the final, 15-3, Mate won the gold medal. Chervenkov also easily defeated Strnisko, 11-3, to take silver. Mate would win the 1982 World Championships, again defeating Chervenkov in the final round. Strnisko won two more bronze medals at the 1982-83 European Championships.

PosCompetitor(s)NOCREBad Points
1Ilya MateURSGold
2Slavcho ChervenkovBULSilver
3Július StrniskoTCHBronze
4Harald BüttnerGDR
5Tomasz BussePOL
6Vasile PușcașuROU
7Bárbaro MorganCUB
8Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL
ACAntal BodóHUNEliminated r3/68,0
ACAmbroise SarrSENEliminated r3/68,0
ACBourcard BinelliCMREliminated r2/68,0
ACSantiago MoralesESPEliminated r2/68,0
ACSatpal SinghINDEliminated r2/68,0
ACSaleh El-SaidSYREliminated r2/68,0
ACFrank AnderssonSWEWithdrew r2/64,0

Round One (28 July 1980 — 11:00)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1Slavcho ChervenkovBUL0,0
=1Bárbaro MorganCUB0,0
=1Harald BüttnerGDR0,0
=1Tomasz BussePOL0,0
=1Vasile PușcașuROU0,0
=1Ambroise SarrSEN0,0
=1Július StrniskoTCH0,0
=1Ilya MateURS0,0
=9Bourcard BinelliCMR4,0
=9Santiago MoralesESP4,0
=9Antal BodóHUN4,0
=9Satpal SinghIND4,0
=9Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL4,0
=9Frank AnderssonSWE4,0withdrew
=9Saleh El-SaidSYR4,0

Match #1 Július StrniskoTCH
fall (4:28)
Satpal SinghIND
Match #2 Harald BüttnerGDR
fall (3:45)
Saleh El-SaidSYR
Match #3 Vasile PușcașuROU
injury (6:46)
Frank AnderssonSWE
Match #4 Bárbaro MorganCUB
fall (2:46)
Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL
Match #5 Ilya MateURS
fall (3:42)
Santiago MoralesESP
Match #6 Ambroise SarrSEN
fall (1:22)
Bourcard BinelliCMR
Match #7 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL
DQ (6:42)
Antal BodóHUN
Match #8 Tomasz BussePOL bye

Round Two (28 July 1980 — 19:00)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1Slavcho ChervenkovBUL0,0
=1Tomasz BussePOL0,0
=1Július StrniskoTCH0,0
=1Ilya MateURS0,0
5Harald BüttnerGDR1,0
6Vasile PușcașuROU3,0
=7Bárbaro MorganCUB4,0
=7Antal BodóHUN4,0
=7Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL4,0
=7Ambroise SarrSEN4,0
=11Bourcard BinelliCMR8,0eliminated
=11Santiago MoralesESP8,0eliminated
=11Satpal SinghIND8,0eliminated
=11Saleh El-SaidSYR8,0eliminated

Match #1 Tomasz BussePOL
decision (18-3)
Satpal SinghIND
Match #2 Július StrniskoTCH
fall (0:48)
Saleh El-SaidSYR
Match #3 Harald BüttnerGDR
decision (6-5)
Vasile PușcașuROU
Match #4 Ilya MateURS
DQ (7:02)
Bárbaro MorganCUB
Match #5 Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL
fall (2:42)
Santiago MoralesESP
Match #6 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL
fall (1:14)
Bourcard BinelliCMR
Match #7 Antal BodóHUN
DQ (5:11)
Ambroise SarrSEN

Round Three (29 July 1980 — 12:30)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
=1Slavcho ChervenkovBUL0,0
=1Ilya MateURS0,0
3Tomasz BussePOL1,0
4Harald BüttnerGDR1,5
=5Vasile PușcașuROU3,0
=5Július StrniskoTCH3,0
7Bárbaro MorganCUB7,5eliminated
=8Antal BodóHUN8,0eliminated
=8Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL8,0eliminated
=8Ambroise SarrSEN8,0eliminated

Match #1 Tomasz BussePOL
decision (10-6)
Július StrniskoTCH
Match #2 Harald BüttnerGDR
decision (11-3)
Bárbaro MorganCUB
Match #3 Vasile PușcașuROU
fall (2:26)
Khorloogiin BayanmönkhMGL
Match #4 Ilya MateURS
fall (1:41)
Antal BodóHUN
Match #5 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL
fall (1:08)
Ambroise SarrSEN

Round Four (30 July 1980 — 10:30)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
1Ilya MateURS1,0
2Harald BüttnerGDR2,5
3Slavcho ChervenkovBUL3,0
=4Tomasz BussePOL4,0
=4Július StrniskoTCH4,0
6Vasile PușcașuROU6,0eliminated

Match #1 Harald BüttnerGDR
criteria (4-4)
Tomasz BussePOL
Match #2 Július StrniskoTCH
decision (8-7)
Vasile PușcașuROU
Match #3 Ilya MateURS
decision (6-4)
Slavcho ChervenkovBUL

Round Five (30 July 1980)

PosCompetitor(s)NOCBad Points
1Ilya MateURS2,0
2Slavcho ChervenkovBUL3,0
3Július StrniskoTCH4,0
4Harald BüttnerGDR6,5eliminated
5Tomasz BussePOL7,0eliminated

Match #1 Ilya MateURS
decision (9-2)
Tomasz BussePOL
Match #2 Július StrniskoTCH
DQ (8:21)
Harald BüttnerGDR
Match #3 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL bye

Final Round One (30 July 1980 — 20:00)

Match #1 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL
decision (11-3)
Július StrniskoTCH
Match #2 Ilya MateURS bye

Final Round Two (30 July 1980)

Match #1 Ilya MateURS
decision (15-3)
Július StrniskoTCH
Match #2 Slavcho ChervenkovBUL bye