| Top level | Event type

Team, Men – Quarter-Finals, Match #1

Date26 July 2021 — 13:45
LocationYumenoshima Park Archery Field, Koto, Tokyo
Olympic Record (Ranking Round, 216 arrows)2087 WR / Im Dong-HyeonKim Beop-MinOh Jin-Hyeok KOR / 27 July 2012
Line JudgeKarla CabreraPHI
Target JudgeRinga BaltrusaitėLTU
TargetCompetitorNOCSet PointsSet 1 PointsSet 2 PointsSet 3 Points
1Republic of KoreaKOR6222

Republic of Korea

PosTargetCompetitorSet PointsArrow 1Arrow 2Arrow 3Arrow 4Arrow 5Arrow 6Total Points
Oh Jin-Hyeok101010108947
Kim Je-Deok1010910101049
Kim Wu-Jin910101010949
Team Totals6145


PosTargetCompetitorSet PointsArrow 1Arrow 2Arrow 3Arrow 4Arrow 5Arrow 6Total Points
Tarundeep Rai899109946
Pravin Jadhav109101091048
Atanu Das1081088943
Team Totals0137