NOCs at the 1936 Summer Olympics

Countries participating at the 1936 Summer Olympics.

NOCs in green participated. The darker, the more participants. World map is not historically correct.

Country Men Women Total
AFG Afghanistan 15 0 15
ARG Argentina 50 1 51
AUS Australia 28 4 32
AUT Austria 217 17 234
BEL Belgium 145 5 150
BER Bermuda 5 0 5
BOL Bolivia 2 0 2
BRA Brazil 67 6 73
BUL Bulgaria 26 0 26
CAN Canada 79 18 97
CHI Chile 39 1 40
COL Colombia 5 0 5
CRC Costa Rica 1 0 1
TCH Czechoslovakia 175 14 189
DEN Denmark 105 16 121
EGY Egypt 53 0 53
EST Estonia 33 0 33
FIN Finland 103 5 108
FRA France 190 11 201
GER Germany 389 44 433
GBR Great Britain 171 37 208
GRE Greece 40 1 41
HUN Hungary 197 19 216
ISL Iceland 12 0 12
IND British India 27 0 27
ITA Italy 228 16 244
JPN Japan 204 16 220
LAT Latvia 29 0 29
LIE Liechtenstein 6 0 6
LUX Luxembourg 48 1 49
MLT Malta 11 0 11
MEX Mexico 32 0 32
MON Monaco 8 0 8
NED Netherlands 144 21 165
NZL New Zealand 7 0 7
NOR Norway 68 2 70
CHN China 52 2 54
PER Peru 40 0 40
PHI Philippines 28 0 28
POL Poland 127 17 144
POR Portugal 19 0 19
ROU Romania 52 2 54
RSA South Africa 26 6 32
SWE Sweden 163 8 171
SUI Switzerland 184 6 190
TUR Turkey 46 2 48
USA United States 313 46 359
URU Uruguay 37 0 37
YUG Yugoslavia 78 15 93
Total 4124 359 4483