| Event type

Heavyweight (≤105 kilograms), Men

Date24 August 2004 — 16:30 (B), 20:00 (A)
LocationOlympiako Gymnastirio Arsis Varon Nikaias, Nikaia
Participants22 from 19 countries
FormatTotal of best lifts in snatch and clean & jerk determined placement. Ties broken by lightest bodyweight.

The 2003 World Champion was Qatari Asaad Said Saif, the 2000 Olympic bronze medalist and formerly Angel Popov in his native Bulgaria. He lifted 192.5 kg in the snatch, tied with Moldovan Alexandru Bratan, but trailing Russian Dmitry Berestov, who lifted 195.0 kg. Said Saif bombed out on all three lifts in the clean & jerk and was eliminated. Berestov lifted 230.0 kg in the clean & jerk to win the gold medal. His final lift was matched by Ukrainian Ihor Razoronov, who came in for the silver medal, after having placed fourth in the class at Sydney. Bronze went to Russian Gleb Pisarevsky, who had never won a medal before at a major international.

1Dmitry BerestovRUS425.0Gold
2Ihor RazoronovUKR420.0Silver
3Gleb PisarevskyRUS415.0Bronze
4Alexandru BratanMDA415.0
5Ramūnas VyšniauskasLTU410.0
6Alan NaniyevAZE410.0
7Matthias SteinerAUT405.0
8Aleksandr UrinovUZB400.0
9Mikhail AvdeyevBLR400.0
10Mykola HordiychukUKR395.0
11Andre RohdeGER395.0
12Michel BatistaCUB395.0
13Tomáš MatykiewiczCZE392.5
14Sam Nunuke PeraCOK305.0
15Eleei IlalioASA295.0
DNFAsaad Said SaifQAT
NVLAkos SandorCAN
NVLMartin TešovičSVK
NVLMohsen BeiranvandIRI
NVLRobert DołęgaPOL
DQFerenc GyurkovicsHUN[420.0]1
DQZoltán KovácsHUN2