| Event type

Middle-Heavyweight (≤90 kilograms), Men

Date 5 August 1984 — 14:00-18:00
LocationAlbert Gersten Pavilion, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California, USA
Participants26 from 20 countries
FormatTotal of best lifts in snatch and clean & jerk determined placement. Ties broken by lightest bodyweight.

Previously competing as a light-heavyweight at the 1976 and 1980 Olympics, Bulgarian Blagoy Blagoev moved up to middle-heavyweight and was World Champion in 1981-83 and held the world record coming into the Los Angeles Olympics. He would have been the clear favorite in Los Angeles, but he did not win the Friendship Games, that title going to Soviet Viktor Solodov with a world record of 422.5 kg, while Blagoev finished second. Without the boycotting nations, the gold medal in Los Angeles went to Romanian Nicu Vlad, who had never before won an international medal, with a total of 392.5 kg. Vlad was known as “The Apollo of the Barbells” for his handsome looks, and he would become one of the world’s top lifters. Vlad won World Championships in heavyweight I in 1986 and 1990, and was European Champion in that class in 1985-86. At Seoul in 1988 Vlad won a silver medal in the heavyweight I class, and would eventually win six medals at both the European and World Championships. He later emigrated to Australia, and competed internationally for them but never at the Olympics.

1Nicu VladROU392.5ORGold
2Petre DumitruROU360.0Silver
3David MercerGBR352.5Bronze
4Peter ImmesbergerFRG350.0
5Hwang U-WonKOR350.0
6Nikos IliadisGRE350.0
7Henri HøegDEN347.5
8José GarcésMEX342.5
9Josef SpanAUT342.5
10Keith BoxellGBR342.5
11Ma WenguangCHN340.0
12Denis GaronCAN340.0
13Francisco CoelhoPOR340.0
14Daniel TschanSUI337.5
15Maged SulaimanEGY332.5
16Emmanuel OshomahNGR327.5
17Mohammed Taher MohammedIRQ325.0
18Klaus-Göran NilssonSWE317.5
19Tommy CalandroUSA315.0
20Salem AjjoubSYR315.0
21Jaime MolinaPER282.5
22Emila HuchSAM270.0
ACIbrahim Abo KalilaEGY145.0
ACErich SeidlAUT150.0
ACKim Cheol-HyeonKOR150.0
DNFDerrick CrassUSA