| Event type

Lightweight (≤60 kilograms), Men

Date27 August – 10 September 1972
LocationBoxhalle, Olympiapark, München
Participants37 from 37 countries
FormatSingle elimination tournament.

Jan Szczepański lived up to his billing as pre-Olympic favourite by comfortably winning the gold medal. Only once, early in his quarter-final against Ireland’s Charlie Nash, did he ever look under pressure and the 32 year old Pole used his disciplined, methodical style to outbox all his opponents. Hungary’s László Orbán attempted to draw Szczepański into brawling at close quarters during their gold medal bout but the Pole withstood the temptation and used his left jab to win a unanimous points decision. The bronze medalists were reigning African featherweight champion Samuel Mbugua of Kenya, who lost his chance of a place in the final when an injury ruled him out of the semi-final, and Alfonso Pérez who won Colombia’s first ever Olympic medal.

1Jan SzczepańskiPOLGold
2László OrbánHUNSilver
=3Samuel MbuguaKENBronze
=3Alfonso PérezCOLBronze
=5Charlie NashIRL
=5Svein Erik PaulsenNOR
=5Eraslan DorukTUR
=5Kim Tae-HoKOR
=9Antonio GinMEX
=9James BuscemeUSA
=9Peter HeßFRG
=9Muniswamy VenuIND
=9Karel KašparTCH
=9Khaidavyn AltankhuyagMGL
=9Antoniu VasileROU
=9Ivan MihaylovBUL
=17Erik MadsenDEN
=17Courtney AtherlyGUY
=17Kasamiro Kashri MarchloSUD
=17Vichit PraiananTHA
=17Enrique RegüeiferosCUB
=17Gennady DobrokhotovURS
=17Girmaye GabreETH
=17Neville ColeGBR
=17Tatu ChiongaMAW
=17Peter OdhiamboUGA
=17Antonio ComaschiARG
=17Luis RodríguezVEN
=17Adeyemi AbayomiNGR
=17Guitry BananierFRA
=17Giambattista CaprettiITA
=17Hassan EghmazIRI
=33Luis DávilaPUR
=33Mohamed SourourMAR
=33Jose MartinezCAN
=33Roy HurdleyPAN
=33Abdel Hady Khallaf AllahEGY

Round One

Date27 August 1972
FormatWinner of each match advanced to the second round.
Match #127 AugErik MadsenDEN
Match #227 AugCharlie NashIRL
Match #327 AugAntonio GinMEX
Match #427 AugCourtney AtherlyGUY
Match #527 AugJan SzczepańskiPOL
Match #627 AugKasamiro Kashri MarchloSUD
Match #727 AugJames BuscemeUSA
Match #827 AugVichit PraiananTHA
Match #927 AugEnrique RegüeiferosCUB
Match #1027 AugPeter HeßFRG
Match #1127 AugGennady DobrokhotovURS
Match #1227 AugSvein Erik PaulsenNOR
Match #1327 AugNeville ColeGBR
Match #1427 AugMuniswamy VenuIND
Match #1527 AugSamuel MbuguaKEN
Match #1627 AugGirmaye GabreETH
Match #1727 AugTatu ChiongaMAW
Match #1827 AugKarel KašparTCH
Match #1927 AugAlfonso PérezCOL
Match #2027 AugPeter OdhiamboUGA
Match #2127 AugAntonio ComaschiARG
Match #2227 AugKhaidavyn AltankhuyagMGL
Match #2327 AugEraslan DorukTUR
Match #2427 AugLuis RodríguezVEN
Match #2527 AugAdeyemi AbayomiNGR
Match #2627 AugAntoniu VasileROU
Match #2727 AugKim Tae-HoKOR
Match #2827 AugGuitry BananierFRADecisionLuis DávilaPUR
Match #2927 AugLászló OrbánHUNDecisionMohamed SourourMAR
Match #3027 AugGiambattista CaprettiITAReferee stops contestJose MartinezCAN
Match #3127 AugIvan MihaylovBULReferee stops contestRoy HurdleyPAN
Match #3227 AugHassan EghmazIRIReferee stops contestAbdel Hady Khallaf AllahEGY

Round Two

Date1 September 1972
FormatWinner of each match advanced to the third round.
Match #101 SepCharlie NashIRLDecisionErik MadsenDEN
Match #201 SepAntonio GinMEXDecisionCourtney AtherlyGUY
Match #301 SepJan SzczepańskiPOLDecisionKasamiro Kashri MarchloSUD
Match #401 SepJames BuscemeUSADecisionVichit PraiananTHA
Match #501 SepPeter HeßFRGDecisionEnrique RegüeiferosCUB
Match #601 SepSvein Erik PaulsenNORReferee stops contestGennady DobrokhotovURS
Match #701 SepSamuel MbuguaKENDecisionGirmaye GabreETH
Match #801 SepMuniswamy VenuINDReferee stops contestNeville ColeGBR
Match #901 SepKarel KašparTCHDecisionTatu ChiongaMAW
Match #1001 SepAlfonso PérezCOLDecisionPeter OdhiamboUGA
Match #1101 SepKhaidavyn AltankhuyagMGLDecisionAntonio ComaschiARG
Match #1201 SepEraslan DorukTURDecisionLuis RodríguezVEN
Match #1301 SepAntoniu VasileROUReferee stops contestAdeyemi AbayomiNGR
Match #1401 SepKim Tae-HoKORKnock-outGuitry BananierFRA
Match #1501 SepLászló OrbánHUNDecisionGiambattista CaprettiITA
Match #1601 SepIvan MihaylovBULDecisionHassan EghmazIRI

Round Three

Date3 September 1972
FormatWinner of each match advanced to the quarter-finals.
Match #103 SepCharlie NashIRLReferee stops contestAntonio GinMEX
Match #203 SepJan SzczepańskiPOLDecisionJames BuscemeUSA
Match #303 SepSvein Erik PaulsenNORKnock-outPeter HeßFRG
Match #403 SepSamuel MbuguaKENDecisionMuniswamy VenuIND
Match #503 SepAlfonso PérezCOLDecisionKarel KašparTCH
Match #603 SepEraslan DorukTURDecisionKhaidavyn AltankhuyagMGL
Match #703 SepKim Tae-HoKORReferee stops contestAntoniu VasileROU
Match #803 SepLászló OrbánHUNDecisionIvan MihaylovBUL


Date6 September 1972
FormatWinner of each match advanced to the semi-finals.
Match #106 SepJan SzczepańskiPOLDisqualifiedCharlie NashIRL
Match #206 SepSamuel MbuguaKENDecisionSvein Erik PaulsenNOR
Match #306 SepAlfonso PérezCOLDecisionEraslan DorukTUR
Match #406 SepLászló OrbánHUNDecisionKim Tae-HoKOR


Date8 September 1972
FormatWinner of each match advanced to the final match.
Match #108 SepJan SzczepańskiPOLWalkoverSamuel MbuguaKEN
Match #208 SepLászló OrbánHUNDecisionAlfonso PérezCOL

Final Round

Date10 September 1972
Match 1/210 SepJan SzczepańskiPOLDecisionLászló OrbánHUN